
Read 1Corinthians 13 (entire Chapter)

Why is it important to know the true meaning of love??
What does love look like to you??
Do you run from those that care about you??
Do you fear love??
How do you show love to others??
Do you love yourself for who you are, and not who you try to be??

John 3:16

“For God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.” (NLT)

God loves you more than you will ever know.

God is so awesome that he sent his only son to die for us.

Love is more than being in a relationship with someone and them giving you comfort and encouragement on your bad days.

They may say that they love you, but they don’t know that God loves you more.

We tend to try to find love and acceptance from others, but we have to love ourselves and not put ourselves down for others.

Which can be hard to do, if you have been hurt by others before.

We don’t have to be afraid to love, afraid of being hurt.

He loves us!! 🙂

As Christians we have to demonstrate love to others to go forward and be Jesus to those that have no hope, that have no inner peace, that JOY that we have in Christ.

Matthew 5:13-16.

“You are the salt of the earth. But what good is salt if it has lost its flavor? Can you make it salty again? It will be thrown out and trampled underfoot as worthless. “You are the light of the world—like a city on a hilltop that cannot be hidden. No one lights a lamp and then puts it under a basket. Instead, a lamp is placed on a stand, where it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your good deeds shine out for all to see, so that everyone will praise your Heavenly Father. (NLT)

Luke 6:43-45.

“A good tree can’t produce bad fruit, and a bad tree can’t produce good fruit. A tree is identified by its fruit. Figs are never gathered from thornbushes, and grapes are not picked from bramble bushes. A good person produces good things from the treasury of a good heart, and an evil person produces evil things from the treasury of an evil heart. What you say flows from what is in your heart. (NLT)

You are identified by what you show.
If you say you are a good person, show it.
Show it, embrace it… your humble generosity, your love for others…
Fight against things that are wrong.

Every day a Christian is a BATTLE!!

Are you going to fight?? Or are you going to give in??

We all make mistakes.
We all say things that we don’t mean.

James 3:2.

Indeed, we all make many mistakes. For if we could control our tongues, we would be perfect and could also control ourselves in every other way. (NLT)

God is always there to help us when we need him the most.
His love is great indescribable.

Psalms 91:14-16.

The Lord says, “I will rescue those who love me. I will protect those who trust in my name. When they call on me, I will answer; I will be with them in trouble. I will rescue and honor them. I will reward them with a long life and give them my salvation.” (NLT)

To understand the love of God, all you have to do is pray.

Let him in and let him speak to you..

-Stephanie. 🙂

Have Faith…

Nothing formed against God can stand. When we are weak he is strong. What else should we look for, for encouragement, for a feeling of being whole…

We often put our trust in someone, but putting our trust in someone else is not what God wants us to do. They may know us, but they don’t know who we really are. They don’t know what we were created for, and they don’t know the reason we are hurting. We can try to go to loved ones for comfort, to open up to them completely but that will not make us feel whole.
What are some ways that you try to feel whole??
Who do you turn to, when you feel incomplete??
Do you turn to a person, or food, alcohol??
God does not want us to do this. He wants us to give ourselves to him, to go to him for comfort, and love.
His love is the greatest, he sees us for who we are, not because of our imperfections, our battles with sin, our battles with doubt, our frustrations with trying to please others.
He wants us to have FAITH…
(go to blog post, Have Faith, I wrote this poem a few months ago.)
See, Matthew 17:20.

Valentines’s Day…

Valentine’s Day is tomorrow and I don’t have the cliche boyfriend that buys heart box candy and roses and big giant teddy bears, but I do have my family, friends, and awesome blog readers that get inspired by my poetry. This Valentine’s day I am thankful for the talents God has given me, and the people whose lives have been changed because of my writing. Joy from serving God and his people… Someone buy me a bag of Snicker’s, lol!! Jk. Peace. 🙂

-Stephanie (Stephsaidthis)

Romans 12:16… Spoke To Me…

This verse was/is a challenge for me… trying not to be in control of everything, and know everything is a challenge, and having friends was always a challenge, with trusting, and accepting care, and opinions from others.

What ways do you feel God is challenging you today or this weeek??

Live in harmony with each other. Don’t be too proud to enjoy the company of ordinary people. And don’t think you know it all! (Romans 12:16 NLT)

Still In… (love)

I cannot sleep.
The sound of my fan, keeps me company tonight…
My eyes will not shut.
Stuck in this for the past few months.
I thought I could fight it and be strong, but truth is… I am tiered of sailing alone.
A simple I love you, could be so right but so wrong.
I have processed thoughts over and over again…
The dreams will not fade.
Stuck in the same phase I have been in for days…
When will my dreams come across red lights, instead of the confusing stop and yield signs… I tend to face.
Life happens so fast, we run to chase…
We forget what matters most…

What is life, if we don’t have love??
Why give ourselves to things of this world??

Still in, love…

Puzzled Life Rhyme…

Where do I begin??
If we started out with the beginning…
If we started out there, wouldn’t that make sense…
If we started at the end, then what choice do we have to clean up our mess??
If we got so lost, one more time…
What if we decided to clean our mess??
What if we waited so long to see what would happen…
What if we got lost??
What if we got lost??
If life is a puzzle then wouldn’t it be funny if we didn’t try to put the pieces together…??
If life was a rhyme…
If life was a melody…??
I would sing your song in a car, on a bus…
When you get mad at me and bring up a fuss…
You would feel like a fool, while I stare you in the eye…
Dance with me…
Dance with me if you wish…
But I will watch tour clever eyes…
I’m just as smart as you, but I out smart you every time…
Run and hide…have you no sense of pride…in this puzzled life…
This puzzled life…
If I told you the truth, then we would have to start over…
Start over…
Because I love you forever…
If maybe, if only…if only…
But for now I’ll write it down…
I’ll write down all my thoughts and save them later, so much later, on my notebook paper, because I’ll scribble every letter…

My Journey…

Hello friends. Yesterday I turned another year older. How do I feel?? The same in some ways, and in other ways…more desire for freedom, to get out there meet new friends, eat new food, learn more things and share my faith.

If only life were so simple as, okay I’m getting in my car and when I run out of gas, then I’ll make my new home…


Life is so hard, but I think it gets rough only because we let it.

We can have whatever we want…sure thing if we just live simple minded, and think a car is a car a home is a home a church is a church.

But God calls us to desire more than just mere simplicity.

I know myself that I desire to live simple minded, but when it comes down to it. I want stability and reliability in a car and home, and welcome and caring people in a church.

America has us all fooled into thinking immorally. Go to college, party, lose yourself, don’t care about anyone else just do what makes you feel good, get a job just to brag about how much you make, get married, show off to everyone that you have money. Right??

Wrong!! What about living!! Truly living. Seeing the world, the way that God does, follow Jesus and live life simple. Enjoy creation, and helping others.

It took me a while myself, and I think I’m at a point where I finally realize how to be a Christian. When for the longest time I wanted to do this or that, but I finally realized a while back when I started writing inspirational work, that it is important to look at yourself and start fixing yourself first!! Then and only then, you can go to plan B…don’t skip A.

People will try and tell you what to do with your life, but…only you know what God has put on your heart, and that you have to follow Jesus and read the word to know the truth about life.

Life is so much bigger than we are small.

This year I intend to follow what God puts on my heart.

I hope to achieve a lot, and remain faithful.

Thanks for reading.

I hope you all have a great day!!




Season of Summer…

Good morning everyone. It is officially summer, I am not going to lie…I am ready for winter. To me you can feel God’s presence in the winter. I know you are sapost to feel it everywhere, but I think the winter makes you see more and feel more from the spirit than any other season. Think about it in the winter you feel moved to help the lonely, the lost, and broken more than in the summer. I don’t know what it is about the winter other than celebrating our saviors birth, that makes us realize that people are out there suffering, and are unhappy.

I can truly say this, where is the peace in the summer, other than going on a vacation, going outside to enjoy a pool, or something to relax and get away from someone, you are so focused on relaxing that you don’t think about anything else.

There are church camps, and mission trips, but how many can say, they are going to push to go on one, and work on improving their heart, or work on moving people closer to Jesus, and helping the lost get found?? Not many, some have work, some just aren’t brave enough to say they want to help someone, or work on theirselves.

I myself have never been to a church camp. I always get asked, but I can never actually go to one. I know how awesome it would be, how great it would feel to connect with Jesus with no distractions. 🙂

To connect with him in nature.

Well I guess we could connect with him at home or on vacation, it just depends how we go about the process. There is more on being a Christian than just going to church on Sunday mornings. So much more, how can we see Jesus, if we don’t look for those WWJD moments…

Thats all I have for this morning.

🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

Have a great day everyone, peace…