God Has A Plan

It does not take a long time to get things… God has a plan and a calling for your life! I realized that just now and reflected on how far I have come in the past year since I found out just what the plan is… When God created me he created ME not to be this or that but to be who he called me to be… When you seek approval of God he will never fail you, when you seek approval of others then they can fail you, when you seek what you want then you can lose yourself!! God’s grace is amazing!! We are not perfect… We are sailing in boats with patched up holes… But Jesus is forever guiding us in the right direction!! Go!! Follow him.

Coming Out Of It…

Hello readers!!

I know it has been a while, let me get you caught up… 🙂
Sometimes life gets crazy, and sometimes it gets CRAZY… It’s like God is trying to tell you something so bad, but you just keep ignoring him and going along with what you think is right. Yes there is a lesson to learn in the end and eventually God will wake you up, but are you sleeping in and hitting the snooze button or are you waking up when the alarm goes off?? 
Too often we get pulled into what the world is doing… LIVE THIS WAY… ACT THIS WAY… DANCE THIS WAY… and we forget who we are. We forget that God loves us, that he sent his son to die for us and that we do not have to live in sin. We struggle with faith issues day to day and forget to call on his name… to the point where we are blind to our own faith. We are blind to what we have learned, what we are told, we think oh it is okay to sin because God will forgive me anyway. Yes he will forgive us, but hey!! WE HAVE TO REMEMBER that he bought us with a price, he sent his son to die for us, and why did he do that you ask?? BECAUSE HE LOVES US!!!! He absolutely positively loves us!! His grace washes over us, we do not need to live in sin… we have the spirit living inside of us!! God is not dead… 
Which leads to my short testimony from this season I am coming out of…
I have not been going to my church on Wednesday nights… I have been working. So I “settled” into what the world says when you get lonely… find a boyfriend, oh you need a man, blah blah blah… and I met a guy.
I started listening to music that I don’t usually listen to and started doing things I haven’t done since I started following Jesus and having a strong solid faith. I forgot that I stand on a solid rock. I forgot that no one can come against me. ~Psalm 118:8 it is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in people~  I forgot how weak my flesh is. I forgot how weak I am without Jesus. 
It was like Jesus was trying to wake me up… but i kept hitting snooze and living in the dream and going deeper and deeper into what I didn’t realize completely was sin… that I was sinking in quick sand, and that I needed Jesus… I was lost in sin so deep… I thought that there was no way out. 
Then there was a scare, I got so afraid… the aftermath. The scar of giving in to our desires… that I messed up… that God may be disappointed in me because I knew better. 
Looking back I realized (once I came out of it) and Jesus said to me… ENOUGH!! ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!
So I began to pray…
I opened up to God and just let him speak to me…
I realized that he was there all along and was not leading me astray…
He was not and will not EVER LET ME GO!!
He has a grip on me… the chains that are and were trying to hold me down have no hold on me…
It reminded me of one of my favorite songs by Chris Tomlin, “No Chains On Me.” 
“like a rolling stone/ like a run away train/ no turning back no more yesterday’s/ my heart is free/ no chains on me/ God you raised me up/ up from the grave/ with the cross before/ I’m on my way/ my heart is free / no chains on me”
I was reminded of my faith… 
~Psalm 17:8 I know the Lord is always with me. I will not be shaken, for he is right beside me.~ 
I was reminded of God’s grace…
I was determined to get my life back on track…
Most of all, I will fight the enemy… and will be more aware of my own weakness’… I will stand firm… I will listen to my God, even when he seems like he is so far away… an echo in the distance calling out my name “repeatedly”, I will constantly praise him and worship him… 
If you find yourself falling and sinking deep into something that you know that you are afraid of and think that there is no way out… whatever it is… God will help you through it. Don’t keep hitting the snooze button and dreaming and deeming… wake up no matter how good the dream is.


Sometimes we ignore God, especially when we try to keep carrying things that keep weighing us down. All he is trying to do is protect us from hurt. “We cannot rewind our lives and erase our mistakes, but we can sit down and pray with God and he can remind us that we are not who we used to be, that we make mistakes, that he loves us, and he forgives us… We can always start over and climb the mountain even when there are distractions and temptation pushing us down. Go ahead… Keep climbing… God wants you to reach the peak… So you can give your testimony and help others climb their mountain as well.” Stephanie said this. Don’t live in fear, pain, and doubt… Let go, don’t let ________________bring you down.

You Learn The Hard Way…

Hello readers, how is it going?? I just wanted to post a quick post to give everyone a shout!!
I hope that you read my blog TheInkIsFull and get inspired from my poetry or my words on this blog somehow. I truly believe that God works in mysterious ways… I too get inspired from my work from time to time. God works through people, circumstance, and through the word of God, and so many other ways…

Today I have been reflecting on the simple thought that God knows everything before we even think about putting it into process. That he knows us from the inside out, no matter how far we try to step away from him he keeps pulling us back in. We cannot escape his grace. We cannot escape from his love, his plan for us. There are no detours…

I have been trying to do things that go against I know what God has planed for me, and let me tell you this… YOU FAIL!! You cannot take detours, no matter how you long for love, compassion, a friend, a companion. You cannot find it, God will bring it to you. There is beauty in the wait. There is no escape.

You cannot have your way. IT IS WHAT IT IS!!!!


I don’t know what I was thinking, but the power of the spirit is so strong it is leading me away from the worry and the doubt. I have nothing to worry about. God is and always will be in control and will make things work out when we cannot see a way out.

feeling refreshed!!

Happy Tuesday!!

don’t forget, you are not alone… you have to go thru’ the test to have a testimony… don’t let satan overpower you. In the end the devil will always fail!! No one can stand against God. He has you in his hands and will not let you fall…

listen to him!! be on guard!!



Kids don’t need to be ignored; depression is not okay, anxiety is not okay, doubting yourself is not okay, not loving yourself for who you are is not okay, feeling like you are alive for no reason is not okay, bullying is not okay!!!! Kids need hope and encouragement, to be determined!! Everyone has a purpose and everyone has a life for a reason no one is a mistake!! ‪#‎bullying‬‪#‎whatarewedoing‬

Dreamers Or Realists??

Dreamer or Realist??

dream•er (ˈdri mər)

1. a person who dreams.
2. an impractical or unrealistic person.
3. a person who has bold or highly speculative ideas or plans; visionary.

re•al•ist (ˈri ə lɪst)

1. a person who tends to view or represent things as they really are.
2. a writer or artist whose work is characterized by realism.
Christian’s see the world in a totally different way, correct? Or at least we are “supposed to.” We are not of this world, we follow Jesus that’s why people hate us and look down on us for what we are and what we stand for.
18“If the world hates you, remember that it hated me first.19The world would love you as one of its own if you belonged to it, but you are no longer part of the world. I chose you to come out of the world, so it hates you. John 15:18,19 NLT
Have you ever thought about if you are a dreamer or a realist?? People question themselves if they are an introvert, or an extrovert. Let’s be legit here, and answer that question… do you consider yourself a dreamer or a realist??
Going by the definitions above from a site I found via google (thefreedictionary.com) a writer is a realist… ??
Whoa, didn’t see that coming… (sarcasm)
The world views us as “dreamers” those that don’t believe in God that is, something that is not real, made up… how could they??
How could you not believe in God?? That is something that is so hard for me to get.
I guess it is because I have been in the church since I was younger and in high school and until now I have always been around Christian’s. I know right from wrong, I pray to God the father, and I know that he loved the world so much that he sent his son to die for it so that we could be free from sin, and that Jesus loves me…  (John 3:16, Romans 8:34) How do we stay on track… the fruits of the spirit, Galatians 5:22 start there and continue.
Christian’s are realists… God is real because the bible tells us about him and also we know that Jesus came and died on the cross for us to be free. The ones that are dreamers are those that believe in their thoughts of God that are not real.
4“You must not make for yourself an idol of any kind or an image of anything in the heavens or on the earth or in the sea. 5You must not bow down to them or worship them, for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God who will not tolerate your affection for any other gods. I lay the sins of the parents upon their children; the entire family is affected—even children in the third and fourth generations of those who reject me. 6But I lavish unfailing love for a thousand generations on those who love me and obey my commands.
7“You must not misuse the name of the Lord your God. The Lord will not let you go unpunished if you misuse his name. Exodus 20:4-6.
If you pray, even if you have the smallest bit of faith and ask God show me who you are, in Jesus name… I am sure that he will show you who he is. God is not dead; although the world might assume that he is, he isn’t dead folks!! He sees everything that is going on on the earth.
We need to stop getting so comfortable with who the world thinks that we are, and show them just what we are about.
We need to wake up the world!!!! Shine our light for all to see!!!! There is so much hate and anger in this world, what are we doing to try and change that??
My name is Stephanie and I am a introvert, and a realist… who are you??
What is your identity??
All that we work for to look good, feel good, be somebody is NOTHING!!!! (Luke 12:15-21) also reminds me of one of my favorite songs, for the youngsters out there… “identity” by Lecrae… (listening to Christian rap while writing, figured I would add that in there.
-Stephsaidthis. 🙂

Candy Crush Is Too Much

The whole Candy Crush thing needs to stop. It is just a game people. A distraction from what is really going on around you. Why can’t people put their time and energy into things that really matter?? It is just a game, tired of the invites, and the chatter about it. This is my rant, just thought I would say something about this. Use the Internet to change the world, after all we carry it in our pockets all day, why not try to be a positive voice, speak up about what is going on. If the whole world can get hooked on a game, then why not get hooked on following Jesus and helping others, encouraging others, being a light to this BROKEN EMPTY HEARTED LONLEY AFRAID TEMPTED FRUSTRATED ANGRY WORLD…

Proverbs 3:5-7.

I just had a birthday this past Friday, 😄🎂 and I have been praying about what God wants me to do in this coming year of my life, and Proverbs 3 spoke to me. “whatever comes my way, I will trust you!!” (amazing worship song lyric by Chris Tomlin, can’t remember the song title right now though) So ready to embark on this journey!!



New Blog Post On TheInkIsFull…

New blog post on my blog!!!! Thanks to all my readers out there for reading my blog, but it is not me it is God. I am only his daughter doing my part to be a voice, and a light to the world!! If you have never ever read my blog, please do so right now!! Share the link with you friends!! May the words inspire you and move in your life in some way. All that I write about are what God has allowed me to live through in my book called my life, every chapter, and everything I see from kids at church’s in town to youth that read my blog and follow me on Twitter. I am so excited to share with everyone whenever!! Please check out TheInkIsFull. Facebook, The Ink Is Full by Stephsaidthis Twitter, @stephsaidthis2, and look for me on Vine and Google+ as well. We have the internet in the palm of our hands all day, why not try to change the world?? Why not share your faith with others?? Why not try to inspire others?? That’s the way I see it. Check out my blog!! 🙂 http://theinkisfull.wordpress.com

What Is Missing In Your Life??

I was given a suggestion today to write about something people desire. For example, if you were the richest man in your city and you had it all, but you still felt something were missing. When I thought about it at first my instinct was to say, Jesus. He is all we need. Follow him and we will have joy in our hearts and that is way better than. the short term happiness from the pleasures of the world. Then on another note if you have the gifts of the spirit, shouldn’t you have all you need?? (Galatians 5:22) So we can say to sin, I don’t need you I have faithfulness, and self-control and to those who get angry at us, we have patience, gentleness, and kindness, and so on… And grace… We have desires, my life would be perfect if _________. I myself desire to have a husband, a partner that fears God, likes the thought of kids someday etc. What do you desire?? What is it that you feel is missing in your life?? Think about it, what could make you feel whole?? Don’t money, material item, or a home.

Trust in the Lord and do good. Then you will live safely in the land and prosper. Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you your heart’s desires. (Psalms 37:3, 4 NLT)

“That is why I tell you not to worry about everyday life—whether you have enough food and drink, or enough clothes to wear. Isn’t life more than food, and your body more than clothing? Look at the birds. They don’t plant or harvest or store food in barns, for your heavenly Father feeds them. And aren’t you far more valuable to him than they are? Can all your worries add a single moment to your life? (Matthew 6:25-27 NLT)

“But blessed are those who trust in the Lord and have made the Lord their hope and confidence.

“The human heart is the most deceitful of all things, and desperately wicked. Who really knows how bad it is? But I, the Lord, search all hearts and examine secret motives. I give all people their due rewards, according to what their actions deserve.” (Jeremiah 17:7, 9, 10 NLT)